Monday, December 7, 2009

TMU key phrase

Today is officially my 4th month of AIESEC life in Latvia. But I am at the moment in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Talent Management Unit (TMU) , one of the Global Support Teams in AIESEC, is having a physical meeting from Dec 7-11, 2009 in AIESEC International (AI) HQ. This year TMU consists of 34 people representing every world region from Venezuela to Australia; we are running projects in 4 areas, i.e. Competency Lab that works on revising Competency Model and adjusting it to the current needs; Innovation Inc that will works around AIESEC eXPerience to strengthen it; Leadership Academy that run lots of Leadership Audit at the moment, reviewing leadership development programmes we have in AIESEC as well as coming up with a new one soon; and Live Support, which I am a team member of, that directs its focus and actions on coaching the countries on Talent Management processes, supporting the network 24/7, etc, etc.
So, today a few of us have arrived, and we had our 1st "hang out" time together, where the key phrase was discovered. It is OMG!!! It has become a virus during the evening; even the waiters coming to us and taking orders were saying , "Oh my God! Let me pass." or "Oh My God! Will you order anything else?" :) So now every person in TMU knows our password - OMG! :D
Getting to AI office, and then getting to the student building where we are staying was another funny chapter in my life :) And Rotterdam looks so much peaceful. Need to discover it this week. The funniest thing was that I miss Brussels sooooo much. Probably those 2 days were very much emotional for me as well as very much significant. Best days ever that I had recently!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

2 .be in Brugge

Who has ever fallen in love at first sight?
Not with a woman or man
but with a city, scenery, food, etc?

Today I opened a new bottle full of bubbling LOVE sparks. Its name is Brugge, a medieval fairy tale city in the western Belgium.

Brugge cannot be described- you must see it! It is cozy, astonishing, lively, touristic, helpful, friendly, middle crowded, diverse and it is my LOVE!

Delicious waffles with chocolate flavour, cherry flavoured Belgian beer on the bank of the river together with Central America guys, chilly wind messing up my hair and my soul is enormously content, happy and relaxed.

One of my best days this year was today in Brugge!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

What it feels like for a girl

118 th day in Latvia.
1st day in the capital of Europe.
1st feelings of being home in Brussels, Belgium.
Don't care if the feelings are true only the first seconds. They will last forever.
I am being true to myself, and I am being immensely happy a whole day: first, early morning till noon in Riga with AIESEC Riga members, who have organised Lotus Conference on Digital Marketing. Though I have attended only one lecture in the morning, I can say that it was a good introduction for the project. Minutes I spent during coffee break with Organising Committee team- our beloved autumn members- were full of jokes, good mood and excitement that bubbled in me. Then I headed off to the Riga airport for my Riga-Brussels flight, and of course I had "adventures" - I usually do not travel with some slight problematic situations that make me being stressed, nervous that I will be late for the flight. On one hand, it is boring if I do not create these "problems" for myself, and add some adrenaline. On the other hand, what is the point to be stressed? Count the minutes for being happy, even if you are afraid to be late. (Sounds very weird. But it sometimes works for me :)
Fortunately, I managed quickly and a bit risky to solve my "problems" on the way, and at 2.30pm the plane took off, I waved to Latvian land Bye for 10 days, and said Hi! Welcome to Brussels! in 2 hours after.
I am having the sweetest time here today. I met for 100th time AIESEC Belgium of 1970s Alumni, AIESEC Ukraine 2000s Alumni. Interesting conversations during our dinner alltogether. Then, Sasha, AIESEC in Ukraine Alumni introduced to me the European capital. Probably here I need to stress on the importance of this "introduction". It was not a typical sightseeing outdoor event that I previously did myself for others in Kazakhstan - AIESEC interns, internationals, colleagues- or had received from others in India, in Romania, in Lithuania, in Latvia, in Estonia, in Russia, in Ukraine. It has been haunting, captivating, hillarious, amazing, informative, friendly, encouraging, authentic!
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the places and moments that take our breath away.
P.S. The pictures will be soon uploaded and link will provided here :)
And thank you Sasha for 1st Brussels evening!

Friday, December 4, 2009

A dancing star

Integrity is one of the significant traits I barely find in people. Yet, it is one the most valuable traits I seek in human creatures.
Am I sincere with others then? Or do I necessarily have to be sincere?
Hovewer, if I expect people being frank in conversations, actions, beliefs why don't I expect it from myself? Or do I demand some extraordinary things from relations I have with my network? :)
I truly believe in people. No matter what happens in human relationships, how bad and painful break-ups can be, the time you have spent with each other is your history, is your memories that warm you in cold evenings, that give you strength to move forward and not to give up.
I am thankful for all those past moments that made me stronger, visionary, flexible, optimistic.
I am feeling something I cannot hide at the moment, which I also cannot truly describe even to myself. But it feels like evolution. A dancing star within myself. A chaotic star that leads me to something I haven't thought of or fully experienced before. Mystery. And I am deeply in love with this condition.
< I wonder how just "new" mothers feel when they see their babies born. Somehow I compare their emotions to what I am feeling now these days. What is it? A birth of new Assel or influence of pictures/books/conversations/articles/trips/food/music/smells/senses... What? >

Monday, November 30, 2009

Motivating myself: what is the best way to do it?

112th day in Latvia.
All these days I have been as powerful as I could have been at my daily work in AIESEC. I had my ups and downs, and had learnt a few things necessary for me. A few of them are managerial operations, cultural sensitivity, personal effectivenes, resilience.
I am recapturing August activities when I just had arrived here, and how I was approaching my work, my new friends, my environment and myself. The hottest words that month were "Experiment. Try new things out.Don't limit yourself".
September was full of operational stuff- you want to get result from your 8 hours sitting in the office? Stand up, go and do your work then. It was also the time of educating people on how to manage workload. It has been the time of a high sense of ownership for all activities in AIESEC in Latvia, mainly in member recruitment. It has been the time for another new activity for me: outlining the National Training Seminar (NTS) with all its pros and cons, and then delivering it in mid Oct. The vocabulary in Sep was mainly about "Risk management. Upfront planning. Maturity".
In October I have bonded myself with AIESEC in Lithuania while facilitating at their National Conference (NatCo). Surprisingly, during Lithuanian NatCo I was celebrating my 3rd year in AIESEC as I have had my first AIESEC conference on 23-25 Oct 2007 in my home committee AIESEC in Almaty, Kazakhstan. NatCo has also showed me some simple lessons, e.g. sleeping bag can be as warm as my home blanket, conferences in schools are perfect premises for cutting costs in the budget, and I have known how AIESEC in Lithuania hosts parties during national conferences. Vocabulary has reminded me connotations of "Inspiration. Leadership.Resources"

Right after our NTS 5 fresh members of AIESEC in Riga has tasted their first successes and failures in organizing Train the Trainers (TtT) national conference for our members. It has been a memorable time for all of us I reckon: guys had only 2 weeks to raise the venue for the conference and for hosting delegates, to find financial support, to promote the conference, to build their team, etc. Yes, TtT experience had its peaks of a big growth for all of us, and one of the biggest lessons I carry out from those 2 weeks is Crisis management. I felt really proud for TtT team and Mara, the Organising Committee President (OCP) who stepped up for a short term project but had done her best, and I assume, she has learnt a lot from the experience.

Final picture after 3 days of learning how to be a good trainer
International table: Krista, Latvia, Assel, Kazakhstan, Laura, Denmark, Seb, Germany, Silvia, Romania

Meanwhile, I was also preparing for TtT to deliver in AIESEC in Lithuania, which has been last weekend right after our TtT. 2 similar conferences/seminars in content but slightly different in its execution. Nevertheless, if at our TtT I had learnt how to be very much flexible in preparing for the conference, not to panic and be innovative, in Lithuania I had experienced again co-facilitating, AND I learnt that female's training team is not the worst case scenario :) I had a few worries that all of the trainers for Lithuanian TtT are girls, and we would confront in viewpoints, in team work, we would just waste our time in discussing some fluffy stuff. For instance, we spent about 7 or 8 hours at pre-meeting in discsussing questions, which we have been discussing via emails for a month! This is why I love working with men: they are brief in decision making, precise enough and time for them is money. However, for a 100th time I have witnessed how wrong my judgements can be: in the end our trainers' team, comprised of black haired girls, Dominika from AIESEC in Slovakia, Ezster from AIESEC in Hungary, Sasha from AIESEC in Russia and me, has spent enormous time together in chatting, co-facilitating, sightseeing, and caring about each other. Lithuanian Train the Trainers conference has been my 4th and final conference in 2009 that enriched me positively.
Dominika, my co-FACI. I value our pair work a lot

Ezster who blossomed in the last minutes of conference in Vilnius, Lithuania

Sasha and I: our talks before-during-after conference
have fulfilled me enormously.

I have already forgotten how important it is to feel confidence, to show it, to value and love yourself. These 3, 5 months have been more as a race. Time race, mental race, emotions' race. I have completely forgotten about myself, somehow forgotten about family; what's more, I gave up the idea of what I will be doing in 7 months. I have been urging myself, "Come on! You need to decide as soon as possible what you will be doing in summer 2010. Your term in AIESEC in Latvia will finish soon, but you need to be sure at least what you want to experience in the future, what you envision for yourself in 10 years, in 20 years, in 30 years". And then, one day I said to myself, "Stop! If you can't answer simple questions now, if you can't orientate yourself to summer 2010, you better not do it at all. Eventually, you will understand what experience you wish to have. For now, just pause. Do smart choices, not fashionable ones" I guess AIESECers will understand what I mean by these questions. Nov-Dec is a time when many applications are out for applying for Member Committee Presidents/Member Committee Vice Presidents positions in the whole AIESEC network. It is the time full of brainstorming, data analysis, prognosis, sleepless nights in filling the application forms, and loads of other work. However, I am not doing any of these activities. The answer is clear, I still have not decided what my 2010-2011 year looks like. I have a vision of my life in 5 -7 years' time but I have nothing yet for the next year. Yet. Perhaps, forthcoming physical meeting of Talent Management Unit (TMU), the Global Support Team in AIESEC, will guide me for the decision that is to be made. Vocabulary for Nov is about personal effectiveness, inner strength, strictness, collective intelligence.
A little bit of sweet memories ...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Should the world start thinking about its future?

... Or does the world already think about it?
I have recently come across one video that quickly shifted me back to Kazakhstan and its future, and then of course questions were directed towards in general. Yes, I am thinking in a very narrow route, first referring to my country and then globally.
In the video the author Hopkins questions about Transition to a world without oil. A very much relevant video I'd say. While I was watching it, I was inquiring myself on: what does our nation think about it? How do people in Kazakhstan plan to live in case we have no oil?
If I look at Kazakhstan's development for the past 10-12 years, it is the time of our actual growth. The development plan "Kazakhstan 2030" prioritizes where the country will put its biggest efforts, what focuses are relevant in every year, decade since 1997 when it was introduced. The economic growth is visible everywhere as well as you can notice a big GAP between the rich and the poor. For instance, I always laugh when I look at the statistics: average salary of a Kazakhstani employee is usually high than it is in fact. According to different media sources like this or you can search here I'd bet wages in the oil rich West region are higher than in the Central or Eastern part. Additionally, living standards are totally different from region to region. What's more, is that if the Parliament announces about increase for 20-25% in teachers', medical staff and other budget personnel pockets' 2-3 months ahead, prices for food, public utilities, transport, etc rise immediately!
Ok, back to the point. The video I recommend you to watch here should be one of the hot topics discussed in Kazakhstani schools with youngsters, should attract our attention now when it's not too late- we need to start thinking about the world without oil. We rely on our natural resources a lot: yes, we all know that the Caspian sea is still under research, yes, we have enough plentiful supplies of oil and gas for at least 30-40 years... Excuse me, what will be after 2030?
The country is still a big exporter of non renewable resources. However, I am glad to read in the news and observe some of the new trends for the state such as focus on education, focus on Innovation centres, focus for fostering the development of Health care system, Socio-economic areas. On the contrary, I again doubt a lot that this development starts blossoming only when the Government pushes local admins to or when there is a public case of revealing a true situation with some politicians engaged into bribery.
I still have a lot of questions, and I will be glad if anyone could share with me thoughts on the future of the world either with or without oil storages.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Time VS Qality:2

"Nothing you do for children is ever wasted. They seem not to
notice us, hovering, averting our eyes, and they seldom offer
thanks, but what we do for them is never wasted."

Monday, November 16, 2009

Time VS Quality

100th day in Latvia
1/3 of my time is already gone. How has it been: successful or I still need more time for that, bright or too much gloomy colours, friendly or angry, sunny or rainy, Riga based or home-thoughts- based?
This week I devote to self analysis for better understanding of what I am and what I want in life, how I progress and what I still did not obtain from past experiences. I need to analyse positive and negative moments happened here, in the Baltics for the past 3 months. I desperately need it, I think. I have lost enough time just because being in that 'time race'. Enough!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tugan zherim- Kazakhstan

Menin Kazakhstanym. Sagyndym seni.

My Kazakhstan. I miss you.

I have come across this feeling today.

I have recently been asked about my country a lot: last weekend during one of the national seminars in AIESEC in Latvia - Train the Trainers- I spent a few hours in the early morning telling about peoples in Kazakhstan, about our history and traditions, about current life and what our people look like. I was talking and talking for ages how it feels to be a Kazakhstani citizen, what our education system possesses and lacks of to be competitive in a globalized world, how politics functions in Kazakhstan and how bureacracy "has its best days", etc.

At one glimpse it seems that when you are away you start criticizing your country a lot. Yes, you see what works successfully and what doesn't when you are home, but somehow you don't talk about it a lot, unless you watch the news every hour and compare it to the world news. But here in Latvia I am somehow being asked quite often about my country, and I start to notice I should not just blame the government for not successful processes in the country. Success depends a lot on how people act.

But I wanna talk now about those first feelings of missing home country. It's not homesickness yet. I remember I first was missing Kazakhstan with its smell and taste a lot this year in March in Bucharest while attending AIESEC international conference EuroXpro. This conference is designed for new Member Committees'(MC) (in other words, National Board of AIESEC country) teams to get a global picture of what the organization strives for, what each MC member needs to know/understand/gain to perform at his best for his country and organization's stable growth, and of course for networking. Though the conference lasted only 6 days, and then we had 2 days of study tour in Transilvania (Central Romania) I had been terribly missing my home country and Kazakhstani people. The reason for that could be time: on March 22 we celebrate Nauryz- Muslim New Year, and the whole country goes "wild": we prepare Nauryz kozhe (which is tradtional soup with 7 ingredients; 7 is a very magic number for Kazakh/ nomadic people, as well as for other nations), we cook baursaki - a Kazakh type of bread, we organize different street festivals, national song competitions called Aitys, we celebrate change of seasons- from cold winter to fresh warm happy spring. We celebrate a birth of a New Year. So for the first time in my life I missed Nauryz this March, and for me it was very much painful. I had never thought I'd feel that way. In order to kill that homesickness and tears (yes, I even cried a bit!) I was skyping with my brother, adn when he told me they were preparing Beshbarmak- a national traditional dish with horse meat and solty dough- Oh! I felt worse and worse! So did Saltanat- current Vice President Finance of AIESEC in Kazakhstan. So at 5am we were preparing a video about Nauryz and how we celebrate it in Kazakhstan in order to show at the morning plenary on EuroXpro's last day. It was a very special moment for Salta and me, and we were damn happy when we shared with other AIESECers from 38 countries- more than 200 people- part of our culture.

This evening was one of the most remarkable ones for me as we had spent it with some members of AIESEC in Latvia. On Oct 16-18 AIESEC in Latvia had its first National Training Seminar (NTS) with new members in a peaceful Cesis- a small historical town not far from Riga. At NTS we had a cool "competition"- members voted for others according to a Global Competency Model's (GCM) criteria we have in AIESEC: Active Learner (AL), Social Responsible (SR), Entrepreneurial (E) and Culturally Sensitive(CS). According to GCM we select young people who want to join AIESEC as well as when AIESECers apply for different leadership positions within the organization. So, durinng 3 days at NTS 50 new members voted for their peers, and in the end we had 5 people who were acknowledged as AL, SR, E, CS, and these new members got an "award" of dinner with MC AIESEC in Latvia. Well, this evening MC dinner eventually happened at MC flat: we were preparing with Jake and Liza cleaning the apartment :), cooking Rizotto and tasting a new bottle of wine, having talks in between with Liiga- the first one who came to our flat. The other guys came an hour later as they were attending a Selling skills training organized by AIESEC in Riga and one of the alumni. Finally, when we all gathered together it was about 8pm.

*Just a perfect example of a get together event back in Kazakhstan: if you book your meeting with friends, relatives and even sometimes with business men for 6pm, you'll have people come at 7.30-8pm. And it is quite normal for us- we already got used to such time culture. So, it is good to know in advance about timing habits in Kazakhstan before you start your business there :) *

So, this evening was more or less full of jokes: we started a conversation about Kazakhstan (!), compared how in the ancient times marriage culture in Latvia was similar to Kazakh's. The conversation started with Romans' question on whether it is true or not that even nowadays a girl has her future fiancee 'booked' by her parents in advance. Well, yes, it happens in the southern part as it is a part of our culture and historical traditions. We continued on talking about Kazakh people in general- I shared some history of Kazakh khans and the tribes we belong to. For instance, every Kazakh must know his roots and his 7 past generations. So this evening was pretty much about my country for me again, and I think sharing different facts on Central Asia and Kazakhstan for the past month or so made me missing my peoples in Kazakhstan a lot!!
Jake serving Rizotto
AIESEC in Latvia 09-10 members:
Romans,Mara,me,Janis (L-R, 1st row) Jake,Liiga,Liza (L-R, 2nd row)

I was making a few conclusions about these talks. Here are a few of them:
Patriotism - Almost all Kazakhstani people are proud about our motherland. Yes, there is something that needs improvement in state's life, but there is also many positive and good things . However, I do not notice here in Latvia people's such proud feedback. I understand, the state is in a difficult economic situation, the jobs and salaries are cut, competitive human capital moves out from the country to the UK, Irealnd and other western countries, but here is something positive too!

Tolerance- Kazakhstan is one a very few former Soviet states that is comprised of more than 100 nations and natioanalities for a long time. We had Germans, Koreans, Ukrainians, Georgians, Jewish, Belorussians, Lithuanians, Latvians, etc sent to Kazakh Soviet Republic during 20th century. During WWII or the Great National War (1941-1945) every Soviet family shared their shelter, food and clothes, adn family warmth with different nations. Is it a correct way to say or not, but owing to that War our people learnt how to be culturally tolerant, and help whenever others are in need. On the contrary, situation in Latvia between Latvians and Russians is a very controvercial one. The government or who(???) divides a very small population (less than 2 m inhabitants) into I'd say privileged and non-privileged. There is still a big deal of "true-Latvians" and "fake-Latvians born in the years of USSR" who can get a citizenship. I am sorry but I do not understand this system.

History/Traditions- I'd bet almost every Kazakhstani young person knows about our history and culture quite well. History of Kazakhstan is one of compulsory subjects a school student has to pass while entering Univerisity. However, results of tests prove the opposite fact sometimes. As for traditions, I really like that many families in Kazakhstan celebrate different cultural events no matter what natioanality they are. Of course, I can't say for all 16 m inhabitants of one of the biggest countries in the world- we rank 9th place in the world- but I am pretty sure about my friends' families and my international colleagues living in Almaty. As for personal experience in Latvia so far- I was not introduced different perspectives on Latvian past by people here. Mostly, it was either me reading about Latvia from various sources, or my team mate Liza sharing some viewpoints on Latvia's past.

Hospitality- Every Kazakh family would host/invite for dinner/invite for other family/not family related events internationals. I guess it is in our blood to share the best with others. I have worked with many internationals during University years and after, and many of them were mentioning this feature as the first one that came to their mind. Of course, I agree there are lots and lots of processes that are not as developed as in the West, or that our people do business not according to again, some Western ways. But hospitality is the trait our people do not lack of! Unfrtunately, I haven't witnessed it here in Latvia. I remember, I was expecting for a long time I'd get a chance to have a welcome party in AIESEC in Latvia for the sake of get-together time and also introducing Central Asia and Kazakhstan to Latvians. Sounds funny and sad but I haven't had it yet, though I am here already for 3rd month.

Wow, this post turns out as a quite long and quite random one. However, the purpose of this post was to outline some things that do exist in my country which I really miss, and which, unfortunately, I haven't seen in Latvia a lot. But I am staying positive- I still have 7 months to spend here. Who knows what the future prepared for me- maybe my spring 2010 posts will be brighter? *Though the future is shaped by me but probably is being prepared by God*

Friday, October 30, 2009

new personal definition

I just took a test on how well I know an office slang and was assessed as a coral. A coral is an asset and support that the company possesses. Due to such corals a company is successful :)

Nice to know, ugh? A new personal definition to my own vocabulary :D

I found this test results in my friend's blog and my result is here (it's in Russian)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A glass of water

Changes, opportunities, challenges, difference, drive, mobility... Seems like the world got stuck at some point to make a change in its life , with people's mindset, human's behaviours. Sounds like the world meaning people are seeking for its own place to realize that potential it had not been able to apply before in its development; or sounds like humanity in past was so thoughtless, careless and taking things for granted that current young global population has to solve holistic issues fast, beneficially for all the parties and innovatively.

I have a question: Why does it happen so? Why do we complain about past generation's less qualitative performance and feel frustrated with its consequences? Why there are so many talks, and I agree, there are actions as well but WHY?

We people, innocent creatures, constantly take advantage of our superiority in a wild animal life. We show who the boss is in the room, we point aggressively to the things that are undone or that didn't have a positive outcome. We teach others in a way that seems that only I am RIGHT, only I KNOW how to manage things, only I POSSESS an invaluable treasure of knowledge.

Why not to shorten your talks and actually DO things. Do them not waiting to be pushed/motivated/inspired/told how to do. Innovate, create, design, research at least-look for your own solution. But Do it and don't complain of past but shape the future with your own hands in YOUR VISION!

"Walking your talk is a great way to motivate yourself. No onelikes to live a lie. Be honest with yourself, and you willfind the motivation to do what you advise others to do."
-- Vince Poscente

Sunday, October 4, 2009

September of Discoveries

55th day in Latvia. Is it a lot or little? Have I learnt anything new? Am I fulfilling my dreams, realizing my cherished ideas or desires? Have I made any friends for a couple of months in at least one of the Baltic states? Have I started or finished reading an interesting book? More questions? ;)

These questions are frequent visitors in my head- oh,I am not a schizophrenic, I am in my good sense :) But how can't you stop inquiries pop in and out in your round shape of your body when they live there all the time :) ?

Mmm, I sound too silly at the moment. Oh, let me move on and share my discoveries happened with me in Sep '09.

Discovery 0: I know that I know nothing. My favourite quote of Socrates.

It has proved itself in everything I had done so far so beautifully! Why am I quoting Socrates? The story goes back to Sep 18, 2009 when I first time visited Tartu, Estonia for an hour session on Leadership delivered by an amazingly cool AIESECer Houston Spencer and AIESEC in Tartu. During that hour session Houston had totally eaten up my head with so many questions on Leadership. Though it was for just an hour, and you may imagine that during one hour you can do nothing or you can inspire people to the highest level they are in need right now. The latter had happened to me- I am still under an impression with the questions Houston asked. This is why I am still following the rules I had set up for myself. You may wonder what the rules are. Can't tell you right now as I am practicing them only for 2 weeks. Let them become my good habit, and when the system is implemented fully I can talk about it freely :)

Discovery 1: Discipline is a good habit. Become its slave.

Discipline is behavior in accordance with rules of conduct; behavior and order maintained by training and control. (extracted from here) After brief and quick analyses I had identified a few disciplines I am currently practicing and training myself on them. As well as I decided I will increase their moral level, level of responsibility and level of frequency gradually. So far I am staying proud with myself in a few simple but significant disciplines. For instance, I put myself back to having breakfasts in the morning (not by midday) and prepare lunch in the morning as well. I minimize my ineffective leisure time so I could do some other interesting things. I learn how to read books on the bus while getting to the office but it still is a problem for me- I can't and don't like reading in the transport. My sleeping hours should be as sufficient as possible- 7 hours. and many more...

Discovery 2:Don't judge the book by its cover.


Don't trigger a backflash.

Another my favourite phrase I have acquired from University years. The phrase that had taught me a lot, the phrase I had listened a lot to before doing an action and forgetting it at the same, the phrase that was supposed to prevent me from doing my wrong judgements about different issues, the phrase that I just simply LOVE! Alas, it is not my daily habit yet but we are on track. If there is any positive progress about my learning in NOT JUDGING ISSUES, I will let you know for sure!

Discovery 3: I am a slave of 'Courage' habit

In the book I am reading at the moment 'Creating a World Without Poverty' by M. Yunus (The Grameen Bank and M. Yunus won Nobel Prize 2006) the Grameen bank started by Prof. Yunus and his students practices 16 rules. 1st one is comprised of 4 principles: Discipline, Unity, Courage and Hard work. I have already mentioned Discipline as my priority for this year; Unity and Hard Work were introduced and trained by my mother since my childhood; Courage I had developed recently. Frankly speaking, I do not want to talk a lot on Courage as it is an individual trait and it is one of my promises to myself but I can't be silent now :) I admire people with a reasonable sense of courage that moves them forward. And the first question here lies not in whether a man reached his goal or failed. The question is whether his ambitions are scary enough for him to reach them. It is tricky. At least for me.

Discovery 4: I love prejudices. Because you can easily crash them.

People are amazingly smart silly creatures. Saying this, I also put myself in a category of 'human beings' - as far as I consider myself as a Homo sapiens. A few recent events I had attended showed me once again how people are mistaken about each other, and I enjoyed moments when I saw those people being imprecise. I am not saying I am being right all the time, but at least when I catch myself at similar note of discussing and arguing I question myself: are you really sure you are right at the moment?

Discovery 5: I am becoming calmer and thoughtful more than ever.

Different personality tests that I usually did last years are not in my schedule at the moment. I have noticed I had turned from a very extrovert physically active person to a quieter introvert sensible girl. Has the calm surroundings in Latvia influenced me or absence of my crazy friends from Leader of 21st century intellectual show or AIESEC in Almaty?- I have no idea! But it does not necessarily mean I do not like it. On the opposite, it brings me pleasure. Because then I value my moments of crazyness :)

Note: Russian speaking friends, please check all meanings of 'sensible' word. I mean something different than just being very 'sensitive' or 'perceptive' (Please, don't be offended)

Discovery 6: I have fallen in love with Tartu, Estonia and Estonian culture,people.

Tartu is the city of thoughts. The very first phrase my eyes had caught when I took a brochure of it in one of the SPA hotels during my short visit there.First thought was, "Hmm, sounds too daring for a small city" How deeply smiling I was when I understood how preconceived my opinion was! Tartu is an astonishing small peaceful town that wakes so many hidden feelings and reflections within a person! I wish I could have stayed there longer than just a day. But I tried to take the most out of one day: I have walked for a whole day with short stops in the parks, gotten a few insights into Estonian literature, medicine history, people achievements in the past, learnt a few greetings in Estonian. For instance, Tere!- Hi is one of my favourites: memorable gentle playful greeting. (Un-)Fortunately, my camera was off, and I don't have many photos of the town. It just means I will visit Tartu once again this year, and for a longer period. As long as my Romanian friend agrees to host me for a week or so =)

Discovery 7: I found another love of mine: Beautiful parks are in Cesis town

One of my dearest friends in AIESEC, a person who has been a role model for me once said, "I have never seen such beautiful parks as in Ust Kamenogorsk (my lovely home town)". That time I was proud- cool, an international friend recognizes my town's infrastructure. However, when I visited Cesis town (2 hours drive from Riga in northern direction)- damn, Deniss, I would bet Ust Kamenogorsk Kirov's park is as pictersque as Cesis's park!

Discovery 8: It smells <...> in Valmiera town

First steps off from the bus "Riga-Valmiera" and terra incognita of smells had followed me during 1,5 days in an old small windy Valmiera town (a bit further than Cesis). I was almost close to recognize these floral notes in the air but somehow lost the game. Well, next time :)

Discovery 9: Equality evolves when all members are ready for it

Leadership styles that each member of our team carries out is unique. By saying 'our team' I refer to my professional life, to the National body of AIESEC in Latvia. I can't describe as vivid as I would like to my teammates. Basically because they are indescribable or just because I can't find accurate words.

Note: Descriptive essays were one of my favourite studies at Writing English skills classes. However, I am still unable to give a picture of my teammates. I can mention only that I am everything and nothing with and without my team. This is my state of mind at the moment. I am sure it will be upgraded soon :)

Discovery 10: How does it feel to live in Latvia?

Imagine, one day in Sep I opened my inbox in the morning as usual, took a sip of a strong coffee and looked thorough the mails I got for a day. One of them immediately got my attention: it was from one of my students whom I sincerely adore. Her mails are usually short- the shortest I have gotten from people. So, her message contained 8 words- How Does It Feel To Live In Latvia? Sweet! I was so much delighted with her question! So, how does it feel? Awesome! It feels fascinating and marvellous because I want it to be so. Nothing special, as Latvians say :)

... The last thing I want to share with you my good friends in this post is a favourite song of mine. The singers are fabulous, lyrics is captivating and meaningful, so I can't hide it deep within me.

Sharing is caring as one of my attentive friends says =)

Spice Girls
Viva Forever (Hasta Manana Always Be Mine)
*unfortunately, I could not upload the video but here is a link to it*


Thursday, August 27, 2009

August RUSH!

August rush.
Every day.
Every moment.
Every second.
It is my 18th day in Riga and it is 3.27 in the morning :) (yes, yes, I am countng days. why? no idea. I just like it.)
I am living an exciting period in Aug 2009- Autumn Member Recruitment into AIESEC Latvia. At one point it seems not so much hectic as I would expect. But if you compare it to the lack of some key resources, you start feeling it kind of challenging at some point. For instance, it is a reality that people leave here for summer holidays; but then complete work stops for summer you may wonder, right? Well, hopefully we have some responsible AIESECers who actually activate leadership and we hand-in-hand build action plan, implement it, and I am patiently waiting for the results to appear.
I sometimes get surprised or just curious of how patient I have become. It is also becoming a discovery for me. Discovery that I quickly need to identify, solve it out and use it wisely. For the purpose that the better I know myself, the better results I can bring for the society, for the work itself and for myself. The rest that is left to define is the time framework: How long discovery will take me to see its logical end? Or there is no end? :) I suppose so.
Acting sustainably.
Back to my work, to Recruitment 2009. I mentioned that we are currently lacking of some key resources that sometimes they may demotivate people and slow down the work pace. You know, I think opposite. Having less resources pushes our brains to work, to brainstorm creative ideas, to give a birth to leadership and to build the first bricks of self confidence. These small fast moments I have witnesses yesterday. I was having a meeting with one of our LCPs (Local Committee Presidents) and listening to her understanding of AIESEC, to our organizational identity in her words and I actually was happy. I would compare that meeting to one of my sweetest working experiences: to teaching. When I see how a kid shining from his first results achieved by him, I am happy. I was happy seeing Karina explaining to me her point of view on Recruitment '09 features. I was simply happy. And this happiness gives me more strength, more courage, more meaning I am at the right place with right people. Finally I am building my long term team experience that I was dreaming of since Aug 2008. It took me a year to put my dream into action. good enough, ugh? ;)
Close friends.
People development.
Another flash of this day is a long awaiting meeting with my Lithuanian friend Lina B.
Briefly: she has been LCP Kaunas 2006-07 (if I am not mistaken), OCP (Organizing Committee President) of EuroCo '07, and we were together in ENERGY '08 FACI team.
An evening we spent in an open air bar/cafe was splendid!!! A live music by a Latvian band (and favourite songs in English and new songs in Latvian for me :) , a chilly weather, a cup of Latte and sweet memories, sharing stories, easy laughter and again this feeling: I am happy. I am at the right place. I have great friends near me. I found what I was looking for. I am happy for what this environment gives me, and I am happy to share my experience and skills with this environment. Simply: give and take :)
... Friends' B'days: So many friends of mine were born in Aug: I am checking my accounts at different social web-sites to send warm greetings to my GREAT! friends and to be updated about their life streams. I have another friend who is celebrating her Bday tomorrow (well, actually it is today since it is already morning of Aug 27 :) - Liza, my MC mate, my roommate, my colleague and friend again. Liza, I wish you to have a big success in your life and in our MC term =) As you are one of the fantastic elements of our small but courageous team :) we will achieve success. I believe in it!
P.S. so you might ask: 4 in the morning and I am blogging? No, I was preparing a functional meeting agenda on Talent Management for my VP TMs (Vice President Talent Management) =)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Run Assel, RUN!

My dear friends, how many of you think everyday of life? Values? Time? Relations? Experiments?

A day ago I have woken up with a thought springing in my head insistently: I do not want to lose even a single moment of my life unwisely!!! I am afraid I won't be on time to deliver all desirable and non-desirable (yet) steps, activities, actions, friendships, crazy events. Who knows, maybe my non-stop international experience urges me do this but this thought splashes its water drops in every corner of my head.
Therefore, I didn't even think too much when I had the opportunity to join 5,000 people tonight in Riga in the city race. Is it difficult: to run 4,5km with lots of people (5,000!) and have FUN, JOY, HAPPINESS, SMILE, ENERGY, PHOTOS :) , SWEET MEMORIES??? Even though my new Riga friends didn't/couldn't join me, I was excited to re-open Riga again and again while RUNNING!!! I felt like I was in another world. This is something I have felt at Global Villages during AIESEC International Conferences: when you are truly united by spirit, by common values, by similar experiences, by one vision with many people from diverse backgrounds, diferent countries, various age-groups. But I/you/he/she/we feel we are one unit in the world. In our world. So these similar feelings have fulfilled my inner mind, my tired body after a hectic office day; I have enriched myself tremendously and will always remember Riga race!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Never say never to yourself

It’s been 4 months already of my legal preparations in moving to Latvia. 120 days of happiness, of nerves and stress, of tears and fears, of worries and sleepless nights, of praying and believing… 2880 hours of preparing all the documents and waiting for them to arrive from different places like Ministers of Justice, of Health care, of Education and Science, etc. 172 800 minutes of moving from Almaty to Astana, from Astana to Ust Kamenogorsk, and I hope finally moving from Ust to Astana, and then to Moscow and to Riga. 2 spring months and 2 summer month of spending with lots of people that were meant to be in my life in different times- my family, my school mates and my close group mates, my best room mates from University years and my past colleagues, my present school colleagues and my Leader friends, my AIESEC Kaz friends and other international AIESEC friends, my directors in the past and present, my children and just random people. All these people were meant to be my friends as we have found something common in us, and we have learnt some invaluable things in life.
I now pray for God’s help and soon positive solution of my situation of being here in Kaz to moving to AIESEC Latvia, and actually starting officially my MC term.

Still, during these 3 moths I have learnt some things I will carry out through all my life.
· Be confident. When you are confident, everyone sees it. It shines in your eyes, it is visible in your step, and it makes you achieve little things that will bring big change.
· Be informative. Manage your resources to be up-to-dated, and control the situation for your own good.
· Be knowledgeable. Read interesting books, autobiographies, watch news, analytical programs to enrich yourself.
· Be in touch. People you have attached yourself to once care for you, and need to know how your life goes on. Don’t close your doors for them.
· Be emotional. Laugh when you want to laugh, cry when you want to cry, think when you need to think, jump when you feel it!
· Be positive. Create your positive way of life, come back to your good moments in life, look through the pictures, send a message to your friends.
· Be alive! Life is life and it likes active people, not their shadows.
· Believe. “Believe in what you do. Do what you believe in”
· Smile. The best remedy is your smile. You think you have no reason to smile? You are deadly wrong!!!
· Have fun! Life is too short to waste it for the worst.
I am creating my own life path. Yes, it’s not only me. My parents and brother help me a lot in designing my own life. My closest friends and people whom I value a lot are the best lifelong teachers and role models for me. I feel I am changing my attitudes towards many things and people in interesting ways. I feel life. Sometimes I forget its stream; sometimes I think I don’t have it at all. But a few years ago one of the closest people that time said to me, “Life is beautiful!” And since that time I every time repeat his words: Life is beautiful!
Viva la Vida!

P.S. I was writing it when it was still unclear about my presence in Latvia. For some reasons I was not posting it for a bit of time. Fortunately, everything was solved out, and I can only smile back and be reassured once again: When you want something in your life so much desperately- just go and do it! Fight for it but make it happen!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

My MC term has started

Here we go! It's 6 day I am in Riga, and living my new adventurous path of life. My AIESEC life :)
Frankly speaking, I am enjoying everything so far :) Well, who wouldn't?
Every day I am opening something new for me in the city, in my work, and in myself. I am looking at the past 6 months and trying to analyze what had happened to me, where I had been, what I had seen and done, what people I had been close to, and I understand how much I have changed. Can't say for now what concequences might reflect upon me but I am patiently waiting for them and observing myself. Looks like I am playing with my personality myself :)
It feels like there are so many things rushing in my head: I am being confused sometimes, being so calm sometimes ( completely not my style), being thoughtful more than I did earlier, but I am enjoying it. I guess it's one of the most important things for me now: to be satisfied with everything and be happy. This is what I am now- feeling happy a whole week in Riga. Smiling to myself almost every minute and not realizing I am doing it even when I sleep. Funny, right? :)
I like my team very much. We have been keeping our communication online since June 2009, and believe me sometimes I felt really weird. I guess they also did. They are Jake, my team leader, and Liza, our little funny "chocolate-addicted" teammate. Day by day I feel we are a team. Gradually, but it is happening. And it's one of other reasons why I am happy. I feel like I am at a right place. I don't want to say that these are random words and feelings, a brief outlook at my first week in another country and with other internationals. No. I knew where I was going to, I assumed all prons and cons I could see that time in March 2009, and I am satisfied with my decision. Don't tell me my words will change when I face some obstacles, miscommunication or anger? It should be so, it is life. And we are all the parts of it.
I guess 1st post from my MC term is kind of random, confusing, not structured. Well, I can allow it to myself. It' s Saturday morning Aug 15, and I can freely express my thoughts :)
Feel so peaceful. Coldplay is on.

Friday, April 24, 2009

vision fixed at EuroXpro '09

each country delegation had pictured what they dare to do, what they can do and what is called "Impossible" to do. It's just a small piece of what AIESEC in Latvia can do

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Surprises and curiosity

It's April 22, 2009 and 1am now in Almaty. In a bit more than 12 hours AIESEC Latvia will make a right decision for an upcoming year. We are going to choose our MCP, and hopefully this week the National team will be comprised of courageous individuals.
I'm confident the team will be courageous- the people that applied are already brave. Three crazy males with their vision for 2009-10, so similar and different simultaneously. It might be hard to make a choice, it might not be. But the thing is that it will be done and it will be the most correct one. I am totally sure in this.

Another thing that made my day today is one of my coachees. We could not meet properly for a long time, and I already thought we would not have a chance to due to different reasons. But whenever you desire something a lot, it will come to you eventually. So, today I got such an interesting mail from her: she started to think seriously about her AIESEC career. She set up plans and goals, she defined what she misses and what she possesses, she understands now what she wants to achieve, how to achieve and how she can help others to achieve their goals. Isn't it exciting???!!! It is really personal but I am so much happy I can see results of our meetings.

And I start missing my teaching experience and my kids, my little wonderers, my 'always-asking-questions' 4 graders a lot. I have never thought I'd be missing them so desperately... But I'm proud and feel amazingly happy I have had such a life experience of working with them and doing incredible things everyday with them in our English, Geography, Science, History classes... I had to be so much creative with them, that in the end I was taking it for granted. I guess they never even had a simple thought of how much they changed me, and how much power and inspiration they had filled me with.

{I remember how my Mom used to say that only that teacher is the best that dares to teach naturally and whose students perform greater than the teacher. I keep tracking how my last and this year students are doing in their new schools in India, Kazakhstan, Spain, China, Peru, Dubai, South Korea, and feel inconceivably elated for them, for myself, for their future. Being one of the units in shaping their character and impacting them positively is a tremendously super duper feeling! I have never regreted yet I am a teacher! Thanks to my mother who taught me basic values and lessons for this life!}

...Experience is the best teacher.

Monday, April 13, 2009

From the mouths of little infants in Latvia

While getting ready for shifting to the heart of the Baltics, I have searched for different information that will give a short overview of Latvia, both in terms of its historical background, culture, economy, people, etc and some surveys that sometimes give you a bigger picture. So, below you will see an interesting survey results released after interviewing children about current affairs in their own country.
The most brilliant answers that amazed me are in questions 3, answer # 3, question 5, answers 1 and 4. Find out why little kids think so- whether it is their opinion or it is based on opinions of the surroundings.

FEBRUARY 17, 2009
The „Fazer Bakeries Latvia” asked 100 Rīga children, age 7-10, what they thought about key issues of the day. Here are some of their answers:
1. What does a crisis do?
  • Takes away jobs. After that, everyone can rest. Alens, 7.
  • The crisis works. Rūdolfs, 7.
  • Heard about it, but mom won’t tell me what it is. Ketlīna, 7.
  • It gets bigger and badder. Kristiāna, 10.
  • Gives my mom grey hair. Roberts, 10. Trashes Latvia. Ralfs, 10.

2. What do politicians do?

  • Know everything about the world. Daiga, 7.
  • Try to protect the country from bankruptcy. Kristers, 7.
  • Talk about what will happen to us. Haralds, 7.
  • Go to the judge and do something there... Lība, 7.
  • Write on computers and copy documents. Kristiāna, 10.
  • Try to make the crisis smaller. Kristiāna, 10.

3. What must be done to help people live better?

  • Stop all this ‘crisising’. Arlēna, 7.
  • Love others. Haralds, 7.
  • Work more and be more sincere. Lība, 7.
  • Increase the value of the lats. Georgs, 9.
  • Ride on public transportation and don’t buy everything you see. Artis, 10.
  • Create a family. Anete, 10.

4. What does (Prime Minister) Ivars Godmanis do?

  • Makes crisis in the country. Kārlis, 7.
  • Governs the government. Arlēna. 7.
  • Don’t know, but he is similar to a politician. Jēkabs, 7.
  • Lives happily. Ketlīna, 7 g.
  • Sometimes explain something, yells, helps (President) Zatlers. Viljams, 9.
  • Supposedly trying to get Latvia out of a crisis and sometimes drinks coffee. Georgs, 9.

5. „To be honest...”

  • need to get crazy. Lība, 7.
  • ...if you say good things, people will do good for you. Haralds, 7.
  • ....I don’t like it that deputies sit in the parliament and sleep. Georgs, 9.
  • ...after a year we will be grateful to the crisis. Diāna 9.
  • ...people will climb out of the pit. Roberts, 10.
  • one knows the truth. Artis, 10.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Idea that has united us in Romania

Want to share this video as it warms me up any time I miss my friends

EuroXpro 2009 delegates in Mangalia, Romania.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Change brings change

This post does not give a short overview at current things I am going through. It is just something that I am feeling right now and cannot keep it inside.
The only constant thing in life is change. Sounds so much familiar to me.

Recently I received a mail from my close friend with this note and I was not surprised. I got used to feel and see so many changes at my previous organization, so I am getting adjusted to changes in my life.

But the idea that lies behind this so called 'negative' expression is amazingly beautiful. Why negative? Generally, people are afraid of changes in their lives because it is something they have not tried before. Or because they are lazy. Or because they are not willing to discover something else that can be on their path. Or because of some other reasons. So, a hidden idea is that while we live we are the first responsible creatures for implementing our desires. Remember, there is a quote: Be afraid of your thoughts. They have a potential to come true. Therefore, while we dream about things that never happened to us before (that's why we dream :), we imagine different people next to us, colourful places we are in, pleasant smells and friendly atmosphere, etc, etc, etc. But when all this comes closer to you, and you can even touch your dream, or hear it, or see it, you start to dislike it. Because it is a signal to change your common way of life. It is new for you and you have never experienced it before. So, what will you choose? To walk your daily routine or to make a breakthrough?

The only constant thing in life is change. Wish you to have as many changes in your life as you want to.No matter what changes- good or not good ones.

... I do care of you and you are always in my thoughts.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Career test

Usually we try to start a career and work in an environment that enables us to fully realize our abilities and accomplish the goals. By doing the work that fits our abilities, we also tend to be happier.

So here I decided to take a quick look at my preferences in a working environment, and to be frank I was not surprised at all. I totally agreew with the results that can be found here:

If you are curious about your personality, try it:

Don't let the life take the way you don't want to go

Times we live in are historical. They are challenging and daring. They are ours and only we define what way to choose. Only we can say if these ways are right or wrong. Nobody can judge you because you are walking in these shoes right now, it's you who are experiencing something, and forget about the judgements. They are created by lazy and boring people. By people who might have been afraid to realize their dreams, who might have been even afraid to dream...

I am back from another international AIESEC conference EuroXpro'09. It took place in Romania, firstly in Bucharest, where we had a splendid Global Village and an Official Opening Ceremony, and later on we moved to Mangalia, a small peaceful port-town next to the Black sea.

Two wonderful events that had brought so much attention from externals: from the Bucharest people and its guests, AIESECers, etc.
Leadership across cultures. Simple statement with a deep true meaning. An idea that has been alligned with delegates' values, beliefs and life activities. The conference that connected many bright personalities, and helped them grow professionally and personally.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Not long time ago I finally started to coach three bright individuals in my home Local Committee AIESEC Almaty. We were supposed to start working earlier but due to my long time sickness (which almost lasted up to three months) we had to wait for a while. Nevertheless, I was eager to see them, and they were counting days and hours to our first meeting. Let me introduce them to you- they are not fresh AIESECers but have joined our leadership organization in autumn 2008: Polina, Elina and Anara.

March 8, 2009 was our first meeting with Polina. This day is recognized in Kazakhstan ( as well as in CIS) as an International Women's Day. Moreover, on this special day I had my elections to AIESEC in Latvia for the year 2009-2010. I had decided to switch myself to something different on that day, and called up for a coaching meeting in ... the mountains! Sounds unusual for such case? Well, winter was almost and I thought I would've felt sad if I hadn't used this oppportunity to have an incredible time in the nature, and get to know my friend better, have great time and end enjoy life. So, right in the morning at 9 o'clocl we got on the bus and trusted the driver. Inspiration had been already grown in both of us, and we were smiling to the whitest trees behind the bus's windows...

I will never forget my first feelings towards my coachee, thoughts I have been going through, stories we have shared with each other, and the feeling of unity, of being as one common cell within one body. I guess it happens very seldom when you can experience something similar and even more. I am sure it doesn' t happen to random people with random feelings. It may not even happen when you know a person for a hundred of years. It doesn't happen until you feel you can trust this person and you know this person trusts you...

Polina has made that day unforgettable! I have even forgotten I was to have an interview and Questions and answers in the evening during my election proces!!! However, I have shared that with Polina later on. I have not discussed this topic with a lot of people, just let's say with key people who could help me in some points. As it may seem clear, feeling of unity and trust is very important for me, and time of friendship sometimes isn't a significant factor to share my soul with the surroundings. So, by the time I was to be home, Polina got to know about my next steps in AIESEC, as we were discussing this question with her a lot that day. She got surprised but also I remember her facial expressions when she heard this news. She started to be inquisitive, and I really like people asking questions. Right questions. Or even not right questions but questions that are either relevant or questions that bring benefits somehow. So, we discussed different points of view, shared some personal moments, our views on life, actions we wanna take in life and in AIESEC... I have talked to Polina the way I didn't talk to my close friends for a long time. The way I didn't talk to friends in general for the past several months. It happens in life when you get disappointed and feel exhausted from stupid actions you thought you would never seen from your friends. And then you don't trust them or anyone else around you. And it may take you days,months or even years to change your opinion. However, all people are different and you have no right to judge the book by its cover. Treat people the way you want to be treated- this is what my mother has always taught me. And I truly believe in this, and try following it. Of course, it is not easy, but I am trying. And this philosophy I had shared with my schol students. I have not taught them, I have shared, given examples, made them think about the world as one heart that evokes in different parts and climate zones...

So, in late afternoon we had come back home, completely tired but happy, energized, full of new ideas and feelings. We had come back home with planned actions for 1st week, till our next meeting. I had come home fresh, driven by snow and love.Love to people, love to nature, love to life.

...I am in love and always will be

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Getting crazy about the Twilight saga by S.Meyer these days. I have already read Twilight, New Moon, and am awaiting for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn to start.
... An author makes me live characters' emotions so lively and vividly that I can immediately cry, I can laugh like mad, and I cherish every moment I spend while living together with Bella Swan and Edward Cullen.

I got two other books I will read soon- Built to Last and Good to Great by Jim Callins.
I read Charlotte's Web by E.B. White and Pippi Longstocking by A. Lindgren together with my 4 graders.
I am going to make soon a short drama based on some ancient Egypt/Rome/China/India (haven't chosen yet) times with my students- Human migration is our topic for the following 6 weeks. So I've a plenty of interesting activities to do ;)

Yes, getting hungry day by day ;)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

2009 has come and it's right time to perform!!!

Ufff! Finally 2009 knocked on world's doors and finally I have a few minutes to refresh my long-awaited blog ;)
Well, it's only the first 2 weeks of 2009, but the world has already suffered, and it seems that people are not getting energized, are unhappy in a way, are gloomy... Which cannot upset themselves and a surrounding environment. Which whispers that the world, OR people, are incorrect in their thoughts, words, decisions, actions and characters... Which still gives me a hope A Dooms day isn't about to come :(
However, let's be more optimistic- the more gloomy you are, the more negative currents you see around. Or another way around- the more happier you are, the more world shines for you and your surrounding. I usually prefer not to blog about holistic problems or present world financial crisis, so I'll omit these topics in this post as well. Because you can always refer to them at popular news websites- I'm sure you've bookmarked them in your gmail account or so ;)

2009, Ox year, or simply- it is my year. Another 12 year cycle. Another life opportunity for Bulls to rock a house. Believe it or not, but I DO BELIEVE in these superstitious thins like years and their meanings, star signs and stuff. So most probably that's why I'm so eXcited about 2009 HOT PERFORMANCES I wanna do this year. One of them is already coming soon. Every day I fell in love with AIESEC life sip by sip, step by step, breath by breath. I miss my AIESEC friends, I miss AIESEC spirit when I'm away from people who make it so ( though I can myself do it :), I miss life. But then I ask- "How can you miss life if you are supposed to live,actually???" Obviously, answers then start booming my head, and I smile. I smile and I feel I'm back. I've returned my lifestyle, I've found myself, I'm stepping new life paths and wondering what other ways there are...

I have applied for MC AIESEC in Kazakhstan, and in a few weeks am having 2nd NatCo. I have a great bunch of people who have also applied, and I'm getiing happier and more excited every day by thinking what amazing people have applied for MC AIESEC in Kazakhstan for 2009-2010!!! People who want to live their life and let others be a part of it, and make others' lives much brighter and ful in terms of XP, in terms of professionalism and in terms of responsibility for their own actions. People, who marked their personalities in hearts of AIESEC Kazakhstan members.

* We gonna make NatCo 2009 happen*