Wednesday, January 14, 2009

2009 has come and it's right time to perform!!!

Ufff! Finally 2009 knocked on world's doors and finally I have a few minutes to refresh my long-awaited blog ;)
Well, it's only the first 2 weeks of 2009, but the world has already suffered, and it seems that people are not getting energized, are unhappy in a way, are gloomy... Which cannot upset themselves and a surrounding environment. Which whispers that the world, OR people, are incorrect in their thoughts, words, decisions, actions and characters... Which still gives me a hope A Dooms day isn't about to come :(
However, let's be more optimistic- the more gloomy you are, the more negative currents you see around. Or another way around- the more happier you are, the more world shines for you and your surrounding. I usually prefer not to blog about holistic problems or present world financial crisis, so I'll omit these topics in this post as well. Because you can always refer to them at popular news websites- I'm sure you've bookmarked them in your gmail account or so ;)

2009, Ox year, or simply- it is my year. Another 12 year cycle. Another life opportunity for Bulls to rock a house. Believe it or not, but I DO BELIEVE in these superstitious thins like years and their meanings, star signs and stuff. So most probably that's why I'm so eXcited about 2009 HOT PERFORMANCES I wanna do this year. One of them is already coming soon. Every day I fell in love with AIESEC life sip by sip, step by step, breath by breath. I miss my AIESEC friends, I miss AIESEC spirit when I'm away from people who make it so ( though I can myself do it :), I miss life. But then I ask- "How can you miss life if you are supposed to live,actually???" Obviously, answers then start booming my head, and I smile. I smile and I feel I'm back. I've returned my lifestyle, I've found myself, I'm stepping new life paths and wondering what other ways there are...

I have applied for MC AIESEC in Kazakhstan, and in a few weeks am having 2nd NatCo. I have a great bunch of people who have also applied, and I'm getiing happier and more excited every day by thinking what amazing people have applied for MC AIESEC in Kazakhstan for 2009-2010!!! People who want to live their life and let others be a part of it, and make others' lives much brighter and ful in terms of XP, in terms of professionalism and in terms of responsibility for their own actions. People, who marked their personalities in hearts of AIESEC Kazakhstan members.

* We gonna make NatCo 2009 happen*

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