... Or does the world already think about it?
I have recently come across one video that quickly shifted me back to Kazakhstan and its future, and then of course questions were directed towards in general. Yes, I am thinking in a very narrow route, first referring to my country and then globally.
In the video the author Hopkins questions about Transition to a world without oil. A very much relevant video I'd say. While I was watching it, I was inquiring myself on: what does our nation think about it? How do people in Kazakhstan plan to live in case we have no oil?
If I look at Kazakhstan's development for the past 10-12 years, it is the time of our actual growth. The development plan "Kazakhstan 2030" prioritizes where the country will put its biggest efforts, what focuses are relevant in every year, decade since 1997 when it was introduced. The economic growth is visible everywhere as well as you can notice a big GAP between the rich and the poor. For instance, I always laugh when I look at the statistics: average salary of a Kazakhstani employee is usually high than it is in fact. According to different media sources like this or you can search here I'd bet wages in the oil rich West region are higher than in the Central or Eastern part. Additionally, living standards are totally different from region to region. What's more, is that if the Parliament announces about increase for 20-25% in teachers', medical staff and other budget personnel pockets' 2-3 months ahead, prices for food, public utilities, transport, etc rise immediately!
Ok, back to the point. The video I recommend you to watch here should be one of the hot topics discussed in Kazakhstani schools with youngsters, should attract our attention now when it's not too late- we need to start thinking about the world without oil. We rely on our natural resources a lot: yes, we all know that the Caspian sea is still under research, yes, we have enough plentiful supplies of oil and gas for at least 30-40 years... Excuse me, what will be after 2030?
The country is still a big exporter of non renewable resources. However, I am glad to read in the news and observe some of the new trends for the state such as focus on education, focus on Innovation centres, focus for fostering the development of Health care system, Socio-economic areas. On the contrary, I again doubt a lot that this development starts blossoming only when the Government pushes local admins to or when there is a public case of revealing a true situation with some politicians engaged into bribery.
I still have a lot of questions, and I will be glad if anyone could share with me thoughts on the future of the world either with or without oil storages.
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