Saturday, January 16, 2010


2010 has started completely different.
I have not planned or foreseen it would start like it did.
I feel a bit guilty for a few things that I have never ever done in my past regularly. It is very much important to me how I behave, and I behave really badly. I must stop it. Otherwise, I will damage myself.
Second, surroundings have changed. Yes, the same people- my teammates in AIESEC, members whom we send on internships, members whom we will soon meet in Latvia (Finally! I am so much hungry for international spirit!!!), my lovely networks in AIESEC, my old friends that get married in a row, that bring new people to this world in a row, etc, etc. Yet, new friends as Latvia Alumni or new online beneficial business friendships. Still, I feel as being under pressure at the moment due to some events happening with me and with the organisation I am in. Of course, I understand we all go through this stream of "Popularity/Attention/Love/Hate/Misunderstanding" but I am feeling so much tired now. And it is just beginning of the new exciting year.
I know the remedy from this. More focus to important things, more time for harmony and peace in my soul and life, more Life in my life!
So, these are the important things I DESPERATELY WANT TO ACCOMPLISH IN MY LIFE IN 2010:
  • My Personal Success: Define my religion that influences my values in life and that governs the way I work and the way I act with myself first and then with the environment.
  • Come back to your roots: I started to write a book a decade ago, and I stopped. Come back to your roots.
  • Stop being busy. Harmony, love and peace are key factors that bring me closer to my success.

Leaders say if you want to be successful, you need to have a vision. I have a vision of my 2010, I have a vision of my 2011. Remember, it is UP to YOU. Only YOU can let it HAPPEN or take things for granted.

Inspired by stress I have encountered this week

Inspired by my favourite Coldplay

Inspired by my Mum's ABBA band

Supported by inner strength

Envisioned by my past experiences and

hunger for exciting future

Supported by my FAMILY

Loved by my friends and some true people in my life



Nailya said...

and of course do not forget:
Когда тебе херово,
И будто все не так,
Заходи в Ержик группу-
Будет все ништяк :)

Assel said...

of course I will never forget that:
Чаты ночью, чаты днем,
Красят жизнь мою добром.
А Ержик- он всегда такой,
Понимает от души,
Приласкает покрасивше,
И пошутит он с тобой,
И пинка поддаст ногой!
