Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Butterfly Effect

What makes you feel passionate?
What makes your eyes shine?
What makes your heart beat faster, harder and impationately?
What makes you be seductive in your current job occupation?
What is that that makes you feel alive and drives you non stop?
What is YOU?
In this post I wanna play a Snow ball or Butterly effect- I desperately wanna hear YOUR VOICE to know what makes you being UNIQUE in life and gets your eyes shine from inner/outer happiness.
Just to start with:
Personally, I shine when I see people make their first steps in any new activity/job that ultimately brings them closer to success. Success is when you can DO IT! My very lovable reminiscence of people's successes were my kids, my former students whom I taught in the University ( they were 2 years younger than me. By the way, 2 of them now got married- I got to know about this outstanding event yesterday) and whose teacher-facilitator I have been for almost 2 years in Kazakhstan International School.
I woke up today late and as usual was observing Riga people rushing to their work from our medium kitchen window. White soft snowflakes were dancing in the cold air adding more work for the street cleaners, increasing long moments of winter happiness for kids and reminding me that I have not received back any note from my former students yet. Reminding me how I miss seeing their successes in studies, how busy we were last year organising a short Greek sketch on eternal life values- love, courage and friendship; reminding that Jan 2009 was one of my most painful and memorable months in 2009 that brought me eventually to where I am. This morning gave me a great signal I might have forgotten- what passion is there for people? What type of passion exists for my friends?


Nailya said...

Post which made me think, which is a rare thing, haha:)
My eyes shine and hearts starts beat faster when I'm in love of course:) So love is definitely thing which I'm passionate about. And not only love to a guy (or girl), but love to my friends, family...
Another thing which drives me forward constantly is ability to bring change. When I was in Almaty I realized that most of MC members, EB members or other people who now inspire others and contribute were recruited in our term...and it made me feel so happy, that 2 years ago we did a right choice and changed these peoples' life since that. And I keep in mind from now on, that my work, even routine one will give it's results and can be transfromative and powerful.
And the third thing which comes to my mind is music. I'm passionate about music, as it sometimes can express what I feel better that words.
Hug U Assel, and proud of Ur decision my dear :)

Assel said...

One of my friends in AIESEC Talent Management network 2009-2010 wrote to our TMU back briefly saying about her current activities in AIESEC, and I picked up one sentence that amazingly fits into this blog post.
"... because I am passionate about training, training is what makes me wake up in the morning and here I give my 200% "

Thank you, Nico for your contribution!
I wish AIESEC develop and bring more professional trainers to the world stage!