Saturday, May 1, 2010

Modern Kazakhstan: how does it look like?

Annualy, May 1st is celebrated as a Day of Peoples Unanimity in Kazakhstan. It is a beginning of long May holidays bringing happiness, commemoration to Motherland protectors - USSR - May 9th, and time to highlight once again multi-ethnic harmony in the Republic.

A few days ago, the Kazakhstani Government has declared a new Doctrine of National Unity. When I heard about it my initial reaction was , Oh, The Assembly of People of Kazakhstan fosters their actions to strengthen their presence and continue uniting the nations and nationalities in the Republic. Obviously, this Body is now gaining its significance in the region of Central Asia and should represent ALL voices of people living in the country not only to prove its status and trust it has earned throughout the years, but also to influence the stabilization of solving regional questions.

However, my understanding of the Official Document has been re-considered today.
Let me give you a few insights.

Firstly, as I am now collecting a picture of a modern Kazakhstan I have been asking myself: What are the values of a present Kazakhstani person? What are they comprised of? What local youth today is interested in in the world, in their own community that leads to development and harmony? How has local population been affected with recent disturbances, riots and murders in Kyrgyzstan? What actions do people in general take towards eliminating natural disasters that have increased this year in the state?
My thoughts have echoed in one of the articles I have come across today. The article published in Russian called Modern Kazakhs: consciousness, values, installations ( I doubt in linguistical correctness of the latter ) discusses today's Kazakh persons and their differences. The difference is not only in geographical aspect, but also in cultural, information, language, social, economic fields. The questions raised are also about long term development of Kazakhstan: who are these people that will lead the country to its sustainable development? What role do they play in a society today?

Apparently, the article has surprised me a lot!!! It also correlates with a recent Doctrine I mentioned above. I am surprised to hear that the Document is interpreted as as an attack on ethnic Kazakh identity, language and culture (click on a link, and read another article EURASIA INSIGHT


As it is mentioned in both sources, Kazakhs represent about 60% of population ( Population is about 15m people ), and that they, as a core ethnic group, are the ones that will lead the country to its prosperity, the ones that will keep forming national identity as well as activate and implement temporary technologies. Besides, there is a debate about Kazakhs living in the cities that are perceived as more literate, more civilised as opposed to country Kazakhs that do not possess a strong understanding of the world reality, and are not that much "civilised" as the city Kazakhs. Apart from that, there is another group of Kazakhs should be mentioned. One is internal migration of Kazakhs that look for better conditions to fulfill their basic needs, and another is external migration, Kazakhs in past and mixed Kazakh-Chinese-Mongolian people in present. What about them? And why Kazakhs as "the core ethnic group" should lead the country? What about other ethnic groups - Belorussians, Russians, Koreans, Caucasus, etc - aren't they an equal part of population that has the right and responsibility to a creation of an innovative personality in the Kazakhstani society? Don't they belong to ( qouting ) "the state-forming nation"

I tend to disagree that only Kazakhs as ethnic majority have a right and appropriate understanding of Patriotism for Kazakhstan. We,Kazakhs, have assimilated with other nations that we are a mishmash of cultural diversity today. Of course, there are still present pure Kazakh, Russian, German, Polish etc families with their views on life; but how can one call himself a 100% _______ nationality living in a multicultural world?

Patriotism is not only about your true national identity that gives you a "cultural" right to belong to this or that country. It is also about how you as an individual associate yourself with a place you live in and what you are committed to do wholeheartedly to make a difference, to shape a history and stay proud of the work you have done together with others.

I am proud I am from Kazakhstan; but I am also proud I am an international person.

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