Friday, August 20, 2010

Quality or Quantity

“You are not here to make a living. You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world. You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand.”
—Former U.S. President Woodrow Wilson

After a brief self analysis of my first 3 weeks here in India I came to a conclusion that I got stuck. Emotional Intelligence- oh yes, a lovely topic to discuss, a heavy weight to carry on your shoulders. Still, I understand I do not score high in EQ ( Emotional Quotinent ) and it is now one of the first priorities in my personal development, a few things practised by many of us here are very ridiculous. Yes, these are my perceptions. Yes, these are frustrations we all go through in life. Yes, life can be paradise or can be hell - in the end we are talking about people's attitudes. In fact, we are talking about responsibility. Self responsibility. Empathy. Self restraint. Relationships. Emotions and perceptions. Optimism and negative attitudes. Life in general and lessons that we take from it.

A few things that I have to deal with since my arrival to India keep upsetting me very very much. These matters are highly important for me as well as for many others being on exchange here.

I just wonder why we, human beings, do not walk the way we talk. I wonder why we prefer Quantity VS Quality. I wonder why material world has a bigger value than our relations and our lives. I wonder...

Along with that, I feel disgusted. I feel dirty. I lose faith. And I refuse to believe. Just refuse.

All these talks we have about leadership become meaningless for me here. I am sorry to say so but it is so at the moment. It does not mean I refuse my past life and my values and my beliefs too. No, no, not at all.

Priorities keep changing, right? Life is a change itself. And as we know, the only constant things in life is change. However, changes may stay unchangeable. A challenge to understand? Well, I see it this way now. I believe this opinion will be substituted by another one. The only thing my mind finds difficult is OverPromises and UnderDeliveries.

Keep walking. Learn. Apply. Enjoy. Life is beautiful.

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