Friday, October 30, 2009

new personal definition

I just took a test on how well I know an office slang and was assessed as a coral. A coral is an asset and support that the company possesses. Due to such corals a company is successful :)

Nice to know, ugh? A new personal definition to my own vocabulary :D

I found this test results in my friend's blog and my result is here (it's in Russian)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A glass of water

Changes, opportunities, challenges, difference, drive, mobility... Seems like the world got stuck at some point to make a change in its life , with people's mindset, human's behaviours. Sounds like the world meaning people are seeking for its own place to realize that potential it had not been able to apply before in its development; or sounds like humanity in past was so thoughtless, careless and taking things for granted that current young global population has to solve holistic issues fast, beneficially for all the parties and innovatively.

I have a question: Why does it happen so? Why do we complain about past generation's less qualitative performance and feel frustrated with its consequences? Why there are so many talks, and I agree, there are actions as well but WHY?

We people, innocent creatures, constantly take advantage of our superiority in a wild animal life. We show who the boss is in the room, we point aggressively to the things that are undone or that didn't have a positive outcome. We teach others in a way that seems that only I am RIGHT, only I KNOW how to manage things, only I POSSESS an invaluable treasure of knowledge.

Why not to shorten your talks and actually DO things. Do them not waiting to be pushed/motivated/inspired/told how to do. Innovate, create, design, research at least-look for your own solution. But Do it and don't complain of past but shape the future with your own hands in YOUR VISION!

"Walking your talk is a great way to motivate yourself. No onelikes to live a lie. Be honest with yourself, and you willfind the motivation to do what you advise others to do."
-- Vince Poscente

Sunday, October 4, 2009

September of Discoveries

55th day in Latvia. Is it a lot or little? Have I learnt anything new? Am I fulfilling my dreams, realizing my cherished ideas or desires? Have I made any friends for a couple of months in at least one of the Baltic states? Have I started or finished reading an interesting book? More questions? ;)

These questions are frequent visitors in my head- oh,I am not a schizophrenic, I am in my good sense :) But how can't you stop inquiries pop in and out in your round shape of your body when they live there all the time :) ?

Mmm, I sound too silly at the moment. Oh, let me move on and share my discoveries happened with me in Sep '09.

Discovery 0: I know that I know nothing. My favourite quote of Socrates.

It has proved itself in everything I had done so far so beautifully! Why am I quoting Socrates? The story goes back to Sep 18, 2009 when I first time visited Tartu, Estonia for an hour session on Leadership delivered by an amazingly cool AIESECer Houston Spencer and AIESEC in Tartu. During that hour session Houston had totally eaten up my head with so many questions on Leadership. Though it was for just an hour, and you may imagine that during one hour you can do nothing or you can inspire people to the highest level they are in need right now. The latter had happened to me- I am still under an impression with the questions Houston asked. This is why I am still following the rules I had set up for myself. You may wonder what the rules are. Can't tell you right now as I am practicing them only for 2 weeks. Let them become my good habit, and when the system is implemented fully I can talk about it freely :)

Discovery 1: Discipline is a good habit. Become its slave.

Discipline is behavior in accordance with rules of conduct; behavior and order maintained by training and control. (extracted from here) After brief and quick analyses I had identified a few disciplines I am currently practicing and training myself on them. As well as I decided I will increase their moral level, level of responsibility and level of frequency gradually. So far I am staying proud with myself in a few simple but significant disciplines. For instance, I put myself back to having breakfasts in the morning (not by midday) and prepare lunch in the morning as well. I minimize my ineffective leisure time so I could do some other interesting things. I learn how to read books on the bus while getting to the office but it still is a problem for me- I can't and don't like reading in the transport. My sleeping hours should be as sufficient as possible- 7 hours. and many more...

Discovery 2:Don't judge the book by its cover.


Don't trigger a backflash.

Another my favourite phrase I have acquired from University years. The phrase that had taught me a lot, the phrase I had listened a lot to before doing an action and forgetting it at the same, the phrase that was supposed to prevent me from doing my wrong judgements about different issues, the phrase that I just simply LOVE! Alas, it is not my daily habit yet but we are on track. If there is any positive progress about my learning in NOT JUDGING ISSUES, I will let you know for sure!

Discovery 3: I am a slave of 'Courage' habit

In the book I am reading at the moment 'Creating a World Without Poverty' by M. Yunus (The Grameen Bank and M. Yunus won Nobel Prize 2006) the Grameen bank started by Prof. Yunus and his students practices 16 rules. 1st one is comprised of 4 principles: Discipline, Unity, Courage and Hard work. I have already mentioned Discipline as my priority for this year; Unity and Hard Work were introduced and trained by my mother since my childhood; Courage I had developed recently. Frankly speaking, I do not want to talk a lot on Courage as it is an individual trait and it is one of my promises to myself but I can't be silent now :) I admire people with a reasonable sense of courage that moves them forward. And the first question here lies not in whether a man reached his goal or failed. The question is whether his ambitions are scary enough for him to reach them. It is tricky. At least for me.

Discovery 4: I love prejudices. Because you can easily crash them.

People are amazingly smart silly creatures. Saying this, I also put myself in a category of 'human beings' - as far as I consider myself as a Homo sapiens. A few recent events I had attended showed me once again how people are mistaken about each other, and I enjoyed moments when I saw those people being imprecise. I am not saying I am being right all the time, but at least when I catch myself at similar note of discussing and arguing I question myself: are you really sure you are right at the moment?

Discovery 5: I am becoming calmer and thoughtful more than ever.

Different personality tests that I usually did last years are not in my schedule at the moment. I have noticed I had turned from a very extrovert physically active person to a quieter introvert sensible girl. Has the calm surroundings in Latvia influenced me or absence of my crazy friends from Leader of 21st century intellectual show or AIESEC in Almaty?- I have no idea! But it does not necessarily mean I do not like it. On the opposite, it brings me pleasure. Because then I value my moments of crazyness :)

Note: Russian speaking friends, please check all meanings of 'sensible' word. I mean something different than just being very 'sensitive' or 'perceptive' (Please, don't be offended)

Discovery 6: I have fallen in love with Tartu, Estonia and Estonian culture,people.

Tartu is the city of thoughts. The very first phrase my eyes had caught when I took a brochure of it in one of the SPA hotels during my short visit there.First thought was, "Hmm, sounds too daring for a small city" How deeply smiling I was when I understood how preconceived my opinion was! Tartu is an astonishing small peaceful town that wakes so many hidden feelings and reflections within a person! I wish I could have stayed there longer than just a day. But I tried to take the most out of one day: I have walked for a whole day with short stops in the parks, gotten a few insights into Estonian literature, medicine history, people achievements in the past, learnt a few greetings in Estonian. For instance, Tere!- Hi is one of my favourites: memorable gentle playful greeting. (Un-)Fortunately, my camera was off, and I don't have many photos of the town. It just means I will visit Tartu once again this year, and for a longer period. As long as my Romanian friend agrees to host me for a week or so =)

Discovery 7: I found another love of mine: Beautiful parks are in Cesis town

One of my dearest friends in AIESEC, a person who has been a role model for me once said, "I have never seen such beautiful parks as in Ust Kamenogorsk (my lovely home town)". That time I was proud- cool, an international friend recognizes my town's infrastructure. However, when I visited Cesis town (2 hours drive from Riga in northern direction)- damn, Deniss, I would bet Ust Kamenogorsk Kirov's park is as pictersque as Cesis's park!

Discovery 8: It smells <...> in Valmiera town

First steps off from the bus "Riga-Valmiera" and terra incognita of smells had followed me during 1,5 days in an old small windy Valmiera town (a bit further than Cesis). I was almost close to recognize these floral notes in the air but somehow lost the game. Well, next time :)

Discovery 9: Equality evolves when all members are ready for it

Leadership styles that each member of our team carries out is unique. By saying 'our team' I refer to my professional life, to the National body of AIESEC in Latvia. I can't describe as vivid as I would like to my teammates. Basically because they are indescribable or just because I can't find accurate words.

Note: Descriptive essays were one of my favourite studies at Writing English skills classes. However, I am still unable to give a picture of my teammates. I can mention only that I am everything and nothing with and without my team. This is my state of mind at the moment. I am sure it will be upgraded soon :)

Discovery 10: How does it feel to live in Latvia?

Imagine, one day in Sep I opened my inbox in the morning as usual, took a sip of a strong coffee and looked thorough the mails I got for a day. One of them immediately got my attention: it was from one of my students whom I sincerely adore. Her mails are usually short- the shortest I have gotten from people. So, her message contained 8 words- How Does It Feel To Live In Latvia? Sweet! I was so much delighted with her question! So, how does it feel? Awesome! It feels fascinating and marvellous because I want it to be so. Nothing special, as Latvians say :)

... The last thing I want to share with you my good friends in this post is a favourite song of mine. The singers are fabulous, lyrics is captivating and meaningful, so I can't hide it deep within me.

Sharing is caring as one of my attentive friends says =)

Spice Girls
Viva Forever (Hasta Manana Always Be Mine)
*unfortunately, I could not upload the video but here is a link to it*
