Last summer day '08 is a reflection time for some of my friends. They recommend to take a look back and analyze what had hapenned to each one of us, and to the world on the whole.
Definitely, we cannot percept each and every one of us as a single cell in a colourful puzzle. Nor we can allow ourselves to forget what the puzzle is going through every day. Georgia-Russia-the West; Eurasia; China and the Olympics; environmental problems... We can continue naming the problems...But what always bothers me is why so many people all over the globe do not pay attention to these questions.Then an answer comes up immediately to my mind- why should they?
I am very satisfied with my current state of mind, of perception the world around me, with me personally. I have worked quite well this year, but not hard, on calming myself down in stressful situations, on sorting out white 'good' deals from black 'bad'ones and on realizing one(my)self as a part of the world. Of course, these thoughts have appeared not today, not 6 monhts ago, even not a year-two. As far as I remember my school years I have always associated my personality with a stranger in my that current place and had always wanted to find my part somewhere.Presently, it comes oftener to my mind that I'm much more closer to discovering that 'somewhere' place. Of course, it makes me smile as I know what the concequences may be. I guess when these concequences would show up, I'd laugh at me. I tend to know myself better and better ;) Sounds good.
But let me return to my current satisfaction- where are the seeds of this satisfaction coming from? The soil for it comes from a few matters: my family, mama in particular; my workplace, Kazakhstan Iternational School; my own place;my 'kindlyhearted'local committee AIESEC Almaty and its members (not only in Almaty/Kazakhstan);and I guess soon, my kids, or students. This summer had been quite busy in terms of travelling, making friends, satisfying with myself and again, a bit of planning. I can't even remember when I wasn't planning something in my life. And this is one of the most valuable things I care about and probably not ready to let it go easily. Though I know my personal weak sides, I don't even attempt to remove it. But, no worries, solutions will come on time, and I won't push time, atmosphere,etc to become better =)
My school-managing the deadlines and people, managing internationally open-minded students and their parents, getting infectious from internationalism, living a very diverse life within the school- has taught me a lot for the passed year of 2007-08. I have fallen in love with my students from 1st day in Sep.I remember, I was running to school every day, especially the first months, coming 25 mins in advance and sometimes impatiently waiting for my kids to arrive. Later on, the times had changed and I was sometimes overloaded with AIESEC, with Development department at KIS, with my home relationships, with my friends and their constant claims at me due me being very busy and not paying attention to them , and lots of lots of other things.But somehow the 2007-08 had gone through so quickly, so colourfully, so rich in moments, and definitely very effectively. I was talking to my brother today and he asked me how long I am in AIESEC. "This Oct I'll be 10 months AIESEC 'baby' ", I said. "Really? It seems you've been there for about 3 years!" And I had agreed with him. AIESEC has really enriched me in everything. But I would say it's directing me to find my own path. To add more, the AIESEC values correlate with KIS values a lot, and I want to live in this wide circle of diversity.
Mama.My Mama. My real friend among hundreds of other friends. My right hand and my biggest supporter. The first person who teaches and teaches me whenever I say "Mom, I know all of this.I am a mature person. Let me do what I really want". Anyway, I always do what I think is best for me, trying to listen to what my Mother advises. Mama, thank you a lot!!!
My own place. Finally, I am shifting tomorrow to my 'own-rented' apartment, which I am going to share with my old friend ( whom I've known since 2001) and with another AIESECer from Latvia, who is an intern at my school! I am so excited that I'll be living with my old friend, who is aware of wht AIESEC and KIS are, and also knows most of my friends. And that a Latvian intern is an experienced AIESECer, is a Sports and Health Care teacher, with whom we have ( I am sure!) common interests! Is't it sweet??? Besides, I am also aware of what these people are interested in, of their lives and hobbies. And there are plenty things I can get to know very soon.
Finally, I am happy.
And this happYness can be found here: